> On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 12:34:23PM +0000, Mark Murray wrote:
> > > Do we have consensus on this?  The perl wrapper really isn't working out
> > > for all the cases I hoped it would when I committed it.
> > 
> > Yes, I think so. DES (The author?) doesn't mind. I'm for removal and so is
> > Kris.
> Why does DES have to be asked?  I did the import.  It does not matter
> where the code came from.

Careful. DES put effort into writing that, and throwing it away without
so much as a "by your leave" is IMHO rude. As it turns out, his position
is pretty clear, but I still want to do this properly.

> Do I need to send out a **HEADS UP** to make it absolutely clear what is
> being proposed?  Or can I move forward working on the theory that working
> nice for ports building is sufficient backing?

Please send a "HEADS UP" nowish, and do the removal a week after that.

There will inevitably be bikeshedding. Please be very gentle.

Mark Murray
Beware! I'm umop ap!sdn

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