At 1:57 AM -0800 11/23/02, Terry Lambert wrote:
Garance A Drosihn wrote:
 This is something I noticed while installing 5.0-dp2.  I'm not sure
 > how much we'd want to change it.

The default swap size calculation is done on the basis of a multiple
of the physical memory size.  Specifically, the physical memory may
be completely consumed by kernel structures, up to the KVA size, and
therefore in the case of a system dump, it can require up to the
size of the physical meory, plus 64K, at a bare minimum for a
successful system dump.
Hmm.  I hadn't really thought much about the specifics of what
is needed.  I was just wondering if we might want to think about
the "auto size" algorithm a bit more.

So even if you were to reduce the swap size, you should not reduce
it below 768M + 64K.
Well, I can see that the "auto default" partition mechanism should
probably take that into account too.  I'm just saying that the
current algorithm gives the user (any generic user, not me specifically)
a useless result.  It would be nice if it came up with more usable sizes.

You will, of course, agree that a prerelease named "DP2" should
have the ability to successfully system dump, as that is one of
the primary reasons it's being handed out: to catch problems, and
to provide detailed bug reports about them, sufficient to correct
them before the official release.
Well, I mentioned this now with an eye towards 5.0-release, although
I realize my original message didn't indicate that.  This same issue
comes up when installing recent releases from 4-stable.  My point is
that the resulting partition sizes (in this case) are unusable.  There
is no point in worrying about the ability to save a system dump on a
system where the initial install has pretty close to zero chance of

Let me repeat that I'm not sure how much we'd want to change it.  I
just wanted to point out how the current algorithm behaves when given
this particular combination of disk and memory sizes.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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