>From: David Syphers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 13:04:47 -0600

[Well, I'm Cc:ing -current anyway -- dhw]

>Out of curiosity, how much slower is a 5.x kernel compilation than a 4.x, on 
>average? My 486, 66 MHz and 16 MB RAM, compiles a 4.x kernel in about 3 
>hours. Thus by Robert's data point, -current seems at least 10-15 times 

OK; in each of the following, I was building the kernel as part of the
process of upgrading from yesterday's -STABLE or -CURRENT, respectively.
In each case, we are comparing -STABLE and -CURRENT running on the
*same* hardware -- not merely "configured similarly"; each machine is
set up to multi-boot, and runs -STABLE on slice 1 and -CURRENT on a
different slice (3 for the laptop; 4 for the build machine).  I track
each of -STABLE and -CURRENT on a daily basis on each machine.

First, the laptop:

g1-9(4.7-S)[1] grep '^>>> Kernel' current stable-1
current:>>> Kernel build for LAPTOP_30W started on Fri Nov 29 08:59:55 PST 2002
current:>>> Kernel build for LAPTOP_30W completed on Fri Nov 29 09:35:30 PST 2002
stable-1:>>> Kernel build for LAPTOP_30W started on Fri Nov 29 06:12:25 PST 2002
stable-1:>>> Kernel build for LAPTOP_30W completed on Fri Nov 29 06:22:09 PST 2002

And now, the build machine:

freebeast(4.7-S)[1] grep '^>>> Kernel' current stable-1
current:>>> Kernel build for FREEBEAST started on Fri Nov 29 06:59:37 PST 2002
current:>>> Kernel build for FREEBEAST completed on Fri Nov 29 07:25:28 PST 2002
stable-1:>>> Kernel build for FREEBEAST started on Fri Nov 29 05:14:10 PST 2002
stable-1:>>> Kernel build for FREEBEAST completed on Fri Nov 29 05:21:02 PST 2002


             -STABLE             -CURRENT
Laptop         09:44                35:35
Build machine  06:52                25:51

I don't use -j for building kernels; I expect that the 2nd CPU on
the build machine isn't all that significant for this workload.  On the
other hand, the slower disk drive in the laptop is likely fairly
significant.  In each case, the -CURRENT kernel that is running (& the
one that is being built) has WITNESS , INVARIANTS, and DIAGNOSTIC

The laptop is a 750 MHz PIII with 256 MB RAM; the build machine is
a 2x876 MHz PIII with 512 MB RAM.

That should, at least, provide a reasonably valid set of comparisons.

david       (links to my resume at http://www.catwhisker.org/~david)
David H. Wolfskill                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have no confidence in results obtained through the use of Microsoft products.

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