"ps auwwx | grep fsck" only shows the grep command itself, so there's
no background fsck running. The output of "top -S -I -s1" shows this
when transferring a file thru FTP:

last pid: 33023;  load averages:  1.00,  1.00,  1.00    up 0+16:47:00  
72 processes:  2 running, 62 sleeping, 8 waiting
CPU states:  0.8% user,  0.0% nice,  1.9% system,  3.7% interrupt, 
93.6% idle
Mem: 41M Active, 54M Inact, 50M Wired, 32K Cache, 35M Buf, 103M Free
Swap: 520M Total, 196K Used, 520M Free

   11 root     -16    0     0K    12K RUN    885:02 92.53% 92.53% idle
   12 root     -44 -163     0K    12K WAIT    19:56  2.78%  2.78% swi1: 
33009 root       4    0  1736K  1208K sbwait   0:00  0.18%  0.15% ftpd
   33 root      20    0     0K    12K syncer   1:50  0.05%  0.05% syncer
   15 root      76    0     0K    12K sleep    0:42  0.05%  0.05% random
33008 craig     96    0  2148K  1180K RUN      0:00  0.00%  0.00% top

I have ttcp installed now, what shall I do with it?


Maxime Henrion wrote:
>Craig Reyenga wrote:
>> Sure. The cards at both ends are realtek 8139B's and according to 
>> ifconfig, they have negotiated a 100mbit full-duplex link. 
>> Uploads AND downloads are slow, using HTTP, FTP and SMB. When I 
>> installed DP2, I simply copied my httpd.conf and smb.conf, so I
>> can't imagine that configuration of the daemons is an issue.
>OK, I have a few more questions.  Does ps or top shows that background
>fcsk is running while doing the transfers ?  Can you install and run the
>ttcp program from ports which will compute raw TCP performance and will
>help us distinguish where the problem lies.

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