On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 11:11:29AM -0700, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>             "Daniel C. Sobral" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : There I go reply to all... <sigh>
> : 
> : IIRC, we never supported upgrade to 4.0 or 4.1 from anybut but the
> : *latest* version in the 3.x series. I sure hope we adopt the same policy
> : here.
> ru@ has stepped up to the plate to support more.  He's gone through
> and made sure that all the way back to 4.0-release is upgradable (at
> least at each release point), going to support it through the first
> branchpoint.  You as a committer aren't required to do extra work to
> make this work, except to not remove things he's done to make this
> work.  It is unclear what should happen when a piece of thirdparty
> software is upgraded.  However, core ruled a long time ago that ru@
> can take reasonable measures to make sure that it works.  ru@ has kept
> it up for a while now, so it looks like he's in it for the long run.
> This is only for native builds.  Anything that is needed for cross
> building isn't included in this 'upgrade' path.  It is there just to
> make our user's life easier.  Also, core didn't want the work arounds
> to get too gross, but so far all the ones I've l ooked at were
> relatively inobtrusive.
Um, why?  I can even cross-build any of our supported arches on the
4.0-RELEASE i386 box.  This happens almost automatically, as part
of the cross-arch work tasks.  Cross-releases have some issues, and
the Alpha box (of any useful sort) would help me a lot in polishing
this.  I've asked donations@ about this when they were offered a
bunch of Alpha boxes last month, but haven't heard from them back.

Ruslan Ermilov          Sysadmin and DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251        Simferopol, Ukraine

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