Marc Recht wrote:

> -march=pentiumpro is not the default, -mcpu=pentiumpro is.  Anyway, I

Nope, -march=pentiumpro is added, if the CPUTYPE is i686 (the default).
At least if I had read examples/etc/make.conf and correctly.

> doubt this is the cause of the problem.  It's more likely to be a
> stale dependency.

Hmm, IMO it's the optimizer:
jsdtoa.c:1874: this is the insn:
(insn 1797 1796 1798 (set (reg:CCNO 17 flags)


"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." -- Donald E. Knuth

Marc was correct. Everything built fine with CPUTYPE=i686 and no -O. Still having trouble with lcms tho.


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