On Wednesday, 11 December 2002 at 12:45:05 -0700, Aaron D. Gifford wrote:
> I wrote in my previous message:
>> # newfs -O 2 -U /dev/vinum/raid5vol
>> newfs: /dev/vinum/raid5vol: 'e' partition is unavailable
> ...
>> Here's my vinum setup:
> ...
>>   volume raid5vol
> Let me correct this to state that the full volume name was "raid5volume"
> and I just shortened it to save typing.  This turns out to be important.
>  Looking at newfs.c, it looks like the last letter of the special
> device is used to choose the partition.  Thus "e" was selected during my
> attempts to do newfs.  (Note to self: Do NOT to abbreviate when
> reporting trouble.)
> Today I renamed my vinum volume as "sp1a", and newfs worked just fine:
>   #newfs -U -O 2 /dev/vinum/sp1a
> A few attempts to use disklabel on /dev/vinum/sp1a still had some
> problems (i.e. any changes made during 'disklabel -e /dev/vinum/sp1a'
> were still ignored as subsequent disklabel sessions would revert to the
> version I saw before my changes - 'disklabel -e -r /dev/vinum/sp1a' did
> save my changes to the on-disk--or on vinum volume in this case--label
> but the in-memory label remaind unchanged), but apparently I didn't
> really need to use disklabel with this newly named volume.
> So...
> Is there some place in the vinum manual that I missed that discusses
> volume naming requirements that had I read I could have avoided this
> trouble?

No, it's all part of using -CURRENT.  Over the last couple of days,
I've found a number of bugs which have slipped in during the
conversion to GEOM and devfs.  This particular one is still there,
pending approval from the Release Engineers to commit a fix.  I'll
forward you the message when it happens; I'd like you to then confirm
that it fixes your problem.

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