Hiten Pandya wrote:

On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 02:42:30AM +0100, Dan Lukes wrote the words in effect of:

Dan, I believe you submitted a PR about this [1], what does patch try to
solve, regarding VLAN hardware support?

[1] http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=kern/46405


May be, I'm doesn't understand fully what you are asked for - my english isn't as good as should be.

The problem:
NIC with hardware VLAN support pass whole TAG to vlan_input(_tag).

The TAG has the following structure:
TAG & 0x8000 -> CFI
(TAG & 0x7000)>>13 -> priority

The vlan_input(_tag) doesn't extract the VLAN ID from tag, it tried match the whole tag to configured VLAN's. It work - unless CFI or an priority bit has nonzero value.

An example:
you have configured VLAN 256 on your FreeBSD.
The arrived packed has TAG 0x0100 (=256).
For this packet it works, as TAG matched configured VLAN.

Lets another packet has TAG 0x4100 (=16640).
It's dropped because there are no configured vlan with ID 16640 - but should not be dropped, as it IS packed for VLAN 256 with priority 4.

In short - vlan_input(_tag) doesn't extract the correct bits from TAG, so it drop packets that shouldn't be dropped. It's the bug fixed by my patches. I tested it on 4.7. The patch for CURRENT isn't tested, but it's simple to analyse that there are the same problem.

It's the sufficient answer to your question ?

Please note (it's mentioned in my PR also), the vlan code doesn't correctly handle the VLAN ID of "zero" which has special meaning . My patches doesn't solve it.


Dan Lukes tel: +420 2 21914205, fax: +420 2 21914206
root of FIONet, KolejNET, webmaster of www.freebsd.cz

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