On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 11:38:18AM -0500, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Nuno Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     I noted that bzip2recover isn't installed during build/installworld. I 
> >     think it may be something related with it makefile.
> >     
> >     This happens on both STABLE and CURRENT brach.
> >     
> >     I someone could correct this, I apreciate that.
> I don't think it's a mistake.  It isn't needed or used for the regular
> system operation, so there's no need for it to be in the base system.
> If you want it, installing the port is a trivial way of getting it
> into your system.

After a cvsup yesterday I have had the same problem. The problem was that
in src/usr.bin/Makefile bzip2recover was listed as subdir, but there was
no subdir bzip2recover. After deleting the line with bzip2recover all
works fine. Today there is now a subidr bzip2recover.

[ gpg key: http://nl1.physik.tu-berlin.de/~jan/jschlesn.gpg ]
[ key fingerprint: 4236 3497 C4CF 4F3A 274F  B6E2 C4F6 B639 1DF4 CF0A ]
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