On 04-Feb-2003 Yar Tikhiy wrote:
| On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 03:05:31AM -0500, Mike Heffner wrote:
|> On 31-Jan-2003 David Rhodus wrote:
|> | Using the default ftpd that comes with FreeBSD, in the mkdir command,
|> | why doesn't it expand '~', the cd and rmdir commands seem to. Passing
|> | over the code it just calls the c function with should expand it.
|> No, the system calls don't expand a tilde. The expansion is done in
|> ftpcmd.y under the 'pathname' directive using glob(3), but glob(3)
|> won't
|> expand the tilde when the directory doesn't exist. Lukemftpd works
|> around
|> this by implementing its own '~' expansion code. Yar has been working
|> on
|> ftpd recently, you might want to ask him if he has any plans to address
|> this.
| I've got inspiration to fix this bug in CURRENT today :-)
| Would everyone concerned mind testing my change to ftpd(8) and
| giving me your feedback?
| Thanks.

Appears to work on my end. ;-)


  Mike Heffner       <mheffner@[acm.]vt.edu>
                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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