
I updated 4.7-RELEASE-p2 to 5.0-RELEASE using source
upgrade. Everything is fine until now.

One problem is cron. I have the following crontab of root user:

CVSUP=/usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L2 -h localhost

# source sync
0       */1     *       *       *       $CVSUP $CVSUPDIR/4_7-supfile > /dev/null
20      */1     *       *       *       $CVSUP $CVSUPDIR/5_0-supfile > /dev/null
40      */1     *       *       *       $CVSUP $CVSUPDIR/current-supfile > /dev/null

When I install this crontab:

 # crontab my-crontab
 "my-crontab":0: bad minute
 crontab: errors in crontab file, can't install

"0" means line number. It means variable setting doesn't work...

I used this crontab over years on 4.[4567]-RELEASE happily. What
happen to cron? I suspected updating procedure(/usr/src/UPDATING)
because my -current desktop(starting from -current snapshot a year
ago) doesn't have such problem.

CHOI Junho <http://www.kr.FreeBSD.org/~cjh>     KFUG <cjh at kr.FreeBSD.org>
FreeBSD Project <cjh at FreeBSD.org>        Web Data Bank <cjh at wdb.co.kr>
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