On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 08:23, Forrest W. Christian wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Robert Covell wrote:
> > > haven't come up with anything as I stated earlier.  I'm not overclocking
> > > or anything if that's what you're wondering.  If anyone could assist me
> > > in any way shape or form to get this working, I would appreciate it very
> > > very much.  Also, if you e-mail back, I'm not subscribed to the lists,
> > > so could you please CC it to me.  In the past 4 hours, it has locked
> > > hard about 3 times because of a 28-34 connection load.
> Cooling problems also match this symptom set.  (CPU sleeps less when
> loaded)  Do you have adequate cooling in this box?
> - Forrest W. Christian ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) AC7DE
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> Home of PacketFlux Technologies and BackupDNS.com       (406)-442-6648
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Yes, cooling is not an issue, because I check the system temperatures
regulary, and they never really go above 40 C.

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