Dear Friend,

I am Mr dudley rogers, the secretary of Commercial Farmers union branch in the 
region of matabeleland,Zimbabwe. After the last general elections in my country 
where the incumbent president MR. Robert Mugabe won the presidential election, 
the government has adopted a very aggressive land reforms programme. This 
programme is solely aimed at taking the land owned by white African farmers for 
redistribution to black Africans. This programme has attracted worldwide 
condemnation from world leaders including British prime minister,MR Tony Blair 
and also forced several white farmers to flee the country for fear of 
victimization and physical abuse.
Few months ago, our headquartes in Harare was attacked and looted by black 
protesters and in the process burnt down the whole building. Fortunately,they 
did not get access to the documents of our union funds which belong to the co-
operation. This cash is kept in UBS PRIVATE BANK IN SWITZERLAND.We are worried 
that the money is no longer safe because our president ,ROBERT MUGABE might 
freeze the account if he gets to know about it.
 Now I have the funds deposit documents in my hands  Once I can get your 
commitment and sincerity of investing this funds on our behalf then I would 
proceed to get the funds transfered into your nominated bank account anywhere 
in the world.You do not have anything to worry about as I would undertake all 
charges i have already perfected all avenues to get the money into your 
account. i have the mandate from Mr Max Crawford,the president of the union to 
get the funds out as fast as possible.You would be compensated for all your 
effort once we have gotten the funds  to your account.
Please get back to me if you can be of assistance and I would want our 
correspondence to be via email as most phone lines of white farmers are bugged 
by the government.
   I expect your confidentiality and your promptresponse to this mail so as to 

dudley rogers


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