Darryl Okahata writes:
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Hartzell) wrote:
 > > Only differences are which partition we mark active and what boot
 > > loader lives there.
 >      True, but that's the key point: "... and what boot loader lives
 > there."  There are times when not touching the boot loader is desirable.
 > While GRUB, booteasy, and others are quite perfectly usable for many
 > people, some of us may be better off with an untouched MBR.

But I'm not touching the MBR either.  I run a stock sony vaio MBR, and
install GRUB into the beginning of my freebsd partition.  GRUB and
LILO behave nicely there, the standard freebsd boot loader (booteasy?)
seems to insist on being in the MBR.

If I boot windows, my boot sequence goes

  MBR ->
  GRUB (because it's installed in the beginning of the partition
       that's marked active) ->
  the window's loader (because grub's been told to chainload to the
       loader that's in the beginning of the first partition) -->

FreeBSD goes something like
  MBR ->
  GRUB (ditto, above) -->
  /boot/loader from the freebsd filesystem (because that's what grub's
       been told to load for that "title"
  loader does the normal freebsd stuff, loading the kernel and going
       for it.

It's also possible to have grub boot the freebsd kernel directly, but
I like to have both boot up in as much of a native world as possible.


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