On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 03:59, CARTER Anthony wrote:
> I can use XDM no problem, so I guess this is really a GDM problem...
> It is a temporary solution, but it will do. However, it isn't pretty and
> I would like to use GDM...

You cannot start gdm2 out of /etc/ttys.  You need to read the gdm2
pkg-message, and use the included rc script to start gdm2.

> Even with XDM, i get this in my xsession-errors file:
> SESSION_MANAGER=local/intra241.intrasoft.lu:/tmp/.ICE-unix/904
> Window manager warning: Broken client! Window 0x600010 (xconsole)
> changed client leader window or SM client ID
> Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1
> Gnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -1
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> Extra content at the end of the document
> ** (gnome-panel:935): WARNING **: Unable to load panel stock icon 'go'
> Extra content at the end of the document
> I have already portupgrade -f gnome-panel...

These messages are from nautilus and gnome-panel, they are "normal," and
non-fatal.  You can disregard.


> Anthony Carter
> On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 09:53, Anthony Carter wrote:
> > From: CARTER Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: HELP GDM XFree86
> > Date: 20 Mar 2003 09:23:02 +0100
> > 
> > Since upgrading to the latest version of XFree86 available on current
> > (using portupgrade -r), I cannot login as any users using GDM. I can
> > login as root...
> > 
> > After doing a few things, I have the following:
> > 
> > login as user
> > enter password
> > 
> > Your session lasted less than 10 seconds. If you didn't log out it could
> > indicate a configuration problem....blah blah...
> > 
> > It gives an option to view the ~/.xsession error messages, but there is
> > nothing there...and if I switch to command line (CTRL+ALT+1) then I see:
> > 
> > gdm[585]: run_session_child: Could not open ~/.xsession-errors...
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Anthony Carter
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> > 
> > ______________________________________________________________________
> > 
> > From: CARTER Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: HELP GDM XFree86
> > Date: 20 Mar 2003 09:25:07 +0100
> > 
> > One more thing...I am running gdm as such from my /etc/ttys file:
> > 
> > ttyv8   "/usr/X11R6/bin/gdm -nodaemon"  xterm   on  secure
> > 
> > Anthony Carter
> > 
> > On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 09:23, CARTER Anthony wrote:
> > > Since upgrading to the latest version of XFree86 available on current
> > > (using portupgrade -r), I cannot login as any users using GDM. I can
> > > login as root...
> > > 
> > > After doing a few things, I have the following:
> > > 
> > > login as user
> > > enter password
> > > 
> > > Your session lasted less than 10 seconds. If you didn't log out it could
> > > indicate a configuration problem....blah blah...
> > > 
> > > It gives an option to view the ~/.xsession error messages, but there is
> > > nothing there...and if I switch to command line (CTRL+ALT+1) then I see:
> > > 
> > > gdm[585]: run_session_child: Could not open ~/.xsession-errors...
> > > 
> > > Any ideas?
> > > 
> > > Anthony Carter
> > > 
> > > To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> > 
> > ______________________________________________________________________
> > 
> > From: Sean Chittenden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: HELP GDM XFree86
> > Date: 20 Mar 2003 00:26:06 -0800
> > 
> > > Since upgrading to the latest version of XFree86 available on current
> > > (using portupgrade -r), I cannot login as any users using GDM. I can
> > > login as root...
> > > 
> > > After doing a few things, I have the following:
> > > 
> > > login as user
> > > enter password
> > > 
> > > Your session lasted less than 10 seconds. If you didn't log out it could
> > > indicate a configuration problem....blah blah...
> > > 
> > > It gives an option to view the ~/.xsession error messages, but there is
> > > nothing there...and if I switch to command line (CTRL+ALT+1) then I see:
> > > 
> > > gdm[585]: run_session_child: Could not open ~/.xsession-errors...
> > > 
> > > Any ideas?
> > 
> > portupgrade -f wrapper
> > 
> > You need to re-install x11/wrapper.  -sc
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
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