On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Ian Freislich wrote:

> Andre Guibert de Bruet wrote:
> >
> > The new ipfw binary will work with an up-to-date kernel. What you need to
> > do is boot this new kernel and only then try out the new ipfw binary.
> That doesn't really explain why the new ipfw binary core dumped
> with the new kernel, but worked fine with old kernels.
> Now that I've removed BDECFLAGS, it seems that my buildworld will
> succeed and whatever it was that was broken that ipfw linked in
> (statically) will hopefully be fixed and all will be good in my
> land of -CURRENT, for the moment that is.

With CFLAGS of -O -pipe and a conservative value of CPUTYPE (ie not p4),
everything should be okay: It works here(tm)! ;-)


> Andre Guibert de Bruet | Enterprise Software Consultant >
> Silicon Landmark, LLC. | http://siliconlandmark.com/    >

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