* Craig Boston ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I recently purchased a generic CompUSA branded CardBus USB 2.0
> controller for a challenge to try to get it to work under FreeBSD ;)  It
> appears to use an NEC chip -- one that I've seen reports of the PCI
> version working -- so at least some of the support for it is already
> there.  I'm willing to take a stab at it and would be grateful if
> someone can point me in the general direction of where to start.
> Here's the dmesg output when it's attached.

[snip dmesg]
> cardbus1: <serial bus, USB> at device 0.2 (no driver attached)
> That output seems a little funny, between the "Resource not specified in
> CIS" and claiming there is no driver attached right after it attaches
> ohci...

Only the USB1.1 part of the card has been attached.

You need to have 'device ehci' in your kernel config for it to pick up
the USB2.0 part which will then get attached.

> If I plug something in to the other port the "addr 0 should never
> happen!" shows up on port 1 of usb1.  After about 20 seconds or so I get
> the message "uhub1: device problem, disabling port 1".

I get the same message as you with what seems to be a generic NEC USB

I haven't tried removing/reinserting the card so I can't tell you if my
laptop panics in the same way as your machine.

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