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jle wrote:
jle said:

My new web server won't mount NFS from fstab on reboot.

on NFSD: (/etc/exports) /home2 -maproot=0 -alldirs httpd

on HTTPD: (/etc/fstab)
NFSD:/home2              /home           nfs     rw,bg           0 0

<manually mounting works>
mount NFSD:/home2 /home

Works fine until I reboot. Shouldn't it mount by itself? What am I


now? Why doesn't HTTPD mount NFSD:/home2 on /home when it reboots? I


no errors in messages on either machine. Both are 5.1-CURRENT.


I had the same problem. I found it was due to named starting after the mount was attempted and so it couldn't resolve the name of the nfs


I changed the fstab to the ip address instead and it worked fine. An
example from my fstab: /usr/src nfs rw,soft,intr,nfsv3,tcp 0


Give that a go.

Regards, Matt.

I did try that as my named was starting after "Mounting NFS file systems" too but it still wouldn't mount that line from fstab. It still mounts fine manually but not automatically on reboot like it should. It's probably something like a flag in rc.conf that I'm missing or some other little thing but I'm just not finding it. Thanks for trying. Anyone else with an idea?

As a diagnostic step: Boot up the system, and then try to manually mount the filesystem with the command 'mount /usr/src'. If this works ... it pretty much confirms that your /etc/fstab syntax is correct. If it doesn't work, focus on /etc/fstab as the problem.


Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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