On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 03:46:47PM -0700, Doug White wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Glenn Johnson wrote:
> > I have a P4 processor on order that will support hyperthreading.
> > I was wondering what the general opinion is on enabling HTT for
> > FreeBSD-5 (current).
> >
> > Thanks for any input.
> man 4 smp
> See the machdep.hlt_logical_cpus sysctl.

Thanks.  I had read the smp manual page.  I know _how_ to enable HTT; I
was wondering whether I _should_ enable it.  It seems the answer is that
it is not beneficial in its current state because the scheduler does not
yet differentiate between physical and logical processors.

Glenn Johnson
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