On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 15:19:55 +0200
Arjan van Leeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> You might want to try the Gatos drivers from http://gatos.sourceforge.net/ . 
> With this driver, I got the ATi chipset in my laptop working with Xv support. 

I've just visited the page. Looks promising, indeed, but I'm a bit puzzled. One binary 
release for FreeBSD _and_ Linux?
> 3D acceleration is not tied to Xv support, in fact, there are many video 
> drivers that support Xv but not 3D (open source nv drivers, newer ATi drivers 
> for Radeon 9500, 9700 and 9800, the gatos drivers...).

The XFree86 nv driver didn't support Xv with my TNT2 Ultra, last checked yesterday or 
so, but that's not quite important for now.

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