On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 07:41:18PM -0400, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> So it is easy to image that this .depend file is crucial to
> successfully making addext.o.
> The .depend file is apparently created by
>     /usr/obj/usr/src/rescue/rescue/rescue.mk
> and that in turn says it is generated from rescue.conf
> by crunchgen 0.2.  The rescue.mk file includes the rule:
> tar_make:
>         (cd $(tar_SRCDIR) && \
>                 $(MAKE) $(BUILDOPTS) $(tar_OPTS) depend &&\
>                 $(MAKE) $(BUILDOPTS) $(tar_OPTS) $(tar_OBJS))
> and my guess is that construct is not '-j' safe.
> I have no idea how to fix that, or even if I'm on the right
> track, but perhaps the above will be useful to someone who
> understands parallel makes more than I do...

I don't see how this construct cannot be parallel make safe.
The && requires that the third line check the result of the
second before continuing. It doesn't make sense.


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