--On 3. august 2003 09:35 +0930 Greg 'groggy' Lehey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is the real issue.  Until you supply the information I ask for in
the man page or at http://www.vinumvm.org/vinum/how-to-debug.html,
only Terry can help you.

Ok, I'll try to supply that information:

Q: What problems are you having?
A: FreeBSD RELENG_5_1 crashes with the following text shown on screen:
Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x14
fault code              = supervisor write, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x8:0xc02e8139
stack pointer           = 0x10:0xcfb5284c
frame pointer           = 0x10:0xcfb52880
code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                       = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags        = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 10785 (ctl_cyrusdb)
kernel: type 12 trap, code=0
Stopped at      g_dev_strategy+0x29:    movl    %eax,0x14(%ebx)

Q: Which version of FreeBSD are you running?
A: FreeBSD 5.1, tracking RELENG_5_1, cvsupped in the morning of the 27th of July if I'm not mistaken.

Q: Have you made any changes to the system sources, including Vinum?
A: No, it's all taken from the cvsup. I do have a custom kernel since I need to use ipfilter but that's really the only change. I've done the following changes:

makeoptions   DEBUG=-g
options       DDB
options       IPFILTER
options       IPFILTER_LOG

Q: Supply the output of the vinum list command. If you can't start Vinum, supply the on-disk configuration, as described below. If you can't start Vinum, then (and only then) send a copy of the configuration file.
A: Here it is:
vimes# vinum
vinum -> list
2 drives:
D WHITE State: up /dev/ad2s1e A: 0/113046 MB (0%)
D BLACK State: up /dev/ad0s1d A: 0/113046 MB (0%)

6 volumes:
V var                   State: up       Plexes:       2 Size:       6144 MB
V usrlocal              State: up       Plexes:       2 Size:       6144 MB
V tmp                   State: up       Plexes:       1 Size:        255 MB
V usr                   State: up       Plexes:       2 Size:       6144 MB
V home                  State: up       Plexes:       2 Size:       8192 MB
V storage               State: up       Plexes:       1 Size:        168 GB

10 plexes:
P var.p0              C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       6144 MB
P var.p1              C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       6144 MB
P usrlocal.p0         C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       6144 MB
P usrlocal.p1         C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       6144 MB
P tmp.p0              S State: up       Subdisks:     2 Size:        255 MB
P usr.p0              C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       6144 MB
P usr.p1              C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       6144 MB
P home.p0             C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       8192 MB
P home.p1             C State: up       Subdisks:     1 Size:       8192 MB
P storage.p0          S State: up       Subdisks:     2 Size:        168 GB

12 subdisks:
S var.p0.s0             State: up       D: BLACK        Size:       6144 MB
S var.p1.s0             State: up       D: WHITE        Size:       6144 MB
S usrlocal.p0.s0        State: up       D: BLACK        Size:       6144 MB
S usrlocal.p1.s0        State: up       D: WHITE        Size:       6144 MB
S tmp.p0.s0             State: up       D: BLACK        Size:        127 MB
S tmp.p0.s1             State: up       D: WHITE        Size:        127 MB
S usr.p0.s0             State: up       D: BLACK        Size:       6144 MB
S usr.p1.s0             State: up       D: WHITE        Size:       6144 MB
S home.p0.s0            State: up       D: BLACK        Size:       8192 MB
S home.p1.s0            State: up       D: WHITE        Size:       8192 MB
S storage.p0.s0         State: up       D: BLACK        Size:         84 GB
S storage.p0.s1         State: up       D: WHITE        Size:         84 GB
vinum ->

Q: Supply an extract of the Vinum history file. Unless you have explicitly renamed it, it will be /var/log/vinum_history. This file can get very big; please limit it to the time around when you have the problems. Each line contains a timestamp at the beginning, so you will have no difficulty in establishing which data is of relevance.
A: It's so small, I'll give the complete vinum_history log:
vimes# cat vinum_history
26 Jul 2003 18:43:38.056211 *** vinum started ***
26 Jul 2003 18:43:39.456133 list
26 Jul 2003 18:43:41.631830 list
26 Jul 2003 18:43:42.598409 list
26 Jul 2003 18:43:46.885029 quit
26 Jul 2003 18:43:48.450706 *** vinum started ***
26 Jul 2003 18:43:51.745079 help
26 Jul 2003 18:47:54.213327 *** vinum started ***
26 Jul 2003 18:47:54.216030 create install-vinum.conf
drive BLACK device /dev/ad0s1d
drive WHITE device /dev/ad2s1e
volume var setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 6g drive BLACK
plex org concat
sd length 6g drive WHITE
volume usrlocal setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 6g drive BLACK
plex org concat
sd length 6g drive WHITE
volume tmp
plex org striped 279k
sd length 128m drive BLACK
sd length 128m drive WHITE
volume usr setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 6g drive BLACK
plex org concat
sd length 6g drive WHITE
volume home setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 8g drive BLACK
plex org concat
sd length 8g drive WHITE
volume storage
plex org striped 279k
sd length 0 drive BLACK
sd length 0 drive WHITE

26 Jul 2003 18:48:05.716157 *** vinum started ***
26 Jul 2003 18:48:06.537279 list
26 Jul 2003 18:48:09.630056 quit
26 Jul 2003 18:51:45.197766 *** vinum started ***
26 Jul 2003 18:51:46.096473 list
26 Jul 2003 18:54:54.363225 *** vinum started ***
26 Jul 2003 18:54:55.111272 list
26 Jul 2003 18:54:56.819849 quit
1 Aug 2003 00:21:24.296757 *** vinum started ***
1 Aug 2003 00:21:25.177412 list
2 Aug 2003 16:58:33.476448 *** vinum started ***
2 Aug 2003 16:58:34.458236 help
2 Aug 2003 16:58:37.866099 l
3 Aug 2003 10:33:57.587832 *** vinum started ***
3 Aug 2003 10:33:58.768548 list

Q: Supply an extract of the file /var/log/messages. Restrict the extract to the same time frame as the history file. Again, each line contains a timestamp at the beginning, so you will have no difficulty in establishing which data is of relevance.
A: I couldn't really find anything relevant in the logs, but here goes:
Aug 2 08:03:11 vimes ipmon[130]: 08:03:10.569508 fxp0 @0:64 b -> PR igmp len 24 (32) IN
Aug 2 08:04:11 vimes ipmon[130]: 08:04:11.125994 fxp0 @0:64 b -> PR igmp len 24 (32) IN
Aug 2 08:05:04 vimes ipmon[130]: 08:05:03.948876 fxp0 @0:64 b,7323 ->,38959 PR tcp len 20 52 -S IN
Aug 2 08:05:12 vimes ipmon[130]: 08:05:11.738394 fxp0 @0:64 b -> PR igmp len 24 (32) IN
Aug 2 09:35:49 vimes syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Aug 2 09:35:49 vimes kernel: Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project.
Aug 2 09:35:49 vimes kernel: Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
Aug 2 09:35:49 vimes kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

I'm not sure _when_ it crashed since I wasn't sitting in front of the computer at the time, but it must have been around 08:05.

Q: If you have a crash, please supply a backtrace from the dump analysis as discussed below under Kernel Panics. Please don't delete the crash dump; it may be needed for further analysis.
A: Sorry, I don't have a crash dump. I tried creating one when the computer had crashed by giving the commands "panic" and then "continue" but that didn't help.

Was this of any help?

Regards / Hilsen
Eivind Olsen
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