> > Anyone know what's up with that? Can anyone give me the rundown on
> > how/what FreeBSD does at boot time to start the network interface? Maybe
> > something is supposed to be running that script, but isn't? Another
> > missing script?
> >
> Upon boot up, FreeBSD runs the /etc/rc script.  Check that you have the
> latest rc script by comparing it with the one in /usr/src/etc.
> diff -u /etc/rc /usr/src/etc/rc
> There should be no differences between these files.  You should also have
> the following rc* files in the /etc directory:
> # ls /etc/rc*
> /etc/rc                 /etc/rc.firewall6       /etc/rc.sendmail
> /etc/rc.subr
> /etc/rc.conf            /etc/rc.firewall        /etc/rc.resume
> /etc/rc.shutdown        /etc/rc.suspend
> Also the /etc/rc.d directory should contain 145 scripts.
> Scot

Ah, yes. Thank you so much!
It was the /etc/rc file. evilness. I told it not to move the new one in
because it looked like it was just deleting my old one.

Mergemaster is great, but if you don't know certian files need to
change, it doesn't help much. I knew to be careful when I saw it wanted
to give me a default passwd file, but I suppose I was too careful.

Oh, btw, my /etc/rc.d/ has 115 files, but everything works. Strange.

Thanks to everyone!

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