On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 09:04, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On (2003/08/29 11:48), Robert Watson wrote:
> > The differences here seem to be:
> > 
> > (1) I'm using -O, not -O2
> > (2) I'm optimizing -mcpu as pentiumpro, not pentium4
> Isn't pentium4 a known-broken optimization at the moment?
> Ciao,
> Sheldon.

I wouldn't even go that far, it has been known that -O2 can create
broken code at times.  I don't imagine that GCC 3.3 branch has changed
this much.  Personally I feel that downgrading it to -O1 is much more
feasable.  Infact, awhile back I built my window manager by accident
with -O2 and found it quite unstable.

Rebuilt it with -O1 and it's been acting much more happy.

The reality is Speed Vs. Stability, and in my humble opinion i'd rather
have it running 24/7 with a 1-2% speed decrease, then have it down
1-2hours out of the day and 3% faster.

My 10cents.

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