On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 12:19:30PM -0700, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 08:07:32PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > > 
> > > You should probably remove Marcel from this item.  This task needs
> > > another volunteer.
> > 
> > Recently Marcel noted to me he was planning to engage on this one. I have
> > offered him help for testing.
> The deal is this (if you find your way between the parenthesis):

> At the DevSummit we failed to reach agreement that alpha should be
> dropped to a tier 2 platform, but we did acknowledge that alpha needs
> developers pronto. There it was also agreed that I would enter a
> holding pattern (which roughly boils down to me circling between home,
> work and Starbucks) until either someone fixes KSE or my weakness
> shows and I do it anyway (the fact that I looked at it this weekend
> means that I was pretty close to folding -- I made it to Starbucks
> just in time).

You get red hair from too much coffee anyway :-) :-)

> I also mentioned recently (in the last couple of days) that we should
> worry more about sparc64 than alpha. Simply because I think alpha is
> on it's way down and should already be a tier 2 platform and sparc64
> is still on its way up ... sort of.

In my book sparc64 is also with one foot in the grave. As is Sun

If we want to be future proof ia64 and amd64 are the only viable 
architectures. The rest are just interesting passtimes..

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|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte                         
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