
> > I'm currently thinking about un-Netgraph'ing FreeBSD code to make it
> portable
> > to other BSD style systems. I'm trying to look at other implementations
> > and learn as much as i can. In particular i'm trying to figure out how to 
> > minimize OS dependent code and what is the right abstractions levels.
> When I saw your BlueTooth entry in the recent status report, I thought
> I'd comment on that, but then got distracted :)
> You've done some great work on BlueTooth.  IMHO, it would be a mistake

Thank you.

> to try to un-NetGraph it; there have been lots of rumours about people
> porting the NetGraph framework to other OS's, and if BlueTooth support
> will provide yet one more reason for the need to do this, so be it :)

I'm not so sure about these rumors. To me it looks like NetBSD and OpenBSD
folks are reluctant to adopt/port Netgraph. Also, when i started this
project, few people have pointed out that it would much better if other
BSDs could share the code.  

> NetGraph is a wonderful framework for writing drivers, and not limited
> to network drivers, either - as you have no doubt discovered so far -
> there should be no need to give up its advantages if it's possible to
> retain them and even gain much in portability for the writing of future
> drivers (should NetGraph run on more OS's).

I could not agree more. Netgraph is extremely flexible and when it comes
to a rapid prototype development it is a number one choice. However, the
fact is Netgraph is FreeBSD only framework (at least for now). So i think
all BSDs would benefit from the common code (and as an extra bonus FreeBSD
could have Netgraph support :)


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