--On Saturday, October 18, 2003 6:25 PM -0400 Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 18 Oct 2003 at 12:16, Scott M. Likens wrote:

[stuff deleted]

Comments anyone?

Yes. Next time, don't bother posting.

I apologise for my previous post. I should have added what I was
thinking.  That follows.

There's little use or sense in reacting the way you did (not that my
original post was much better). In reply to a plea for help, it would
have been much better to have suggested course of action to remedy
the situation, such as others have done.  This is a community mailing
list and people are expected to contribute in a positive manner.
Ridicule is unacceptable.

Cheers? ^^

Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/

You know one thing i've learned in this world is to do your research before you ask your questions. Try and be absolutely sure that you can't fix it on your own. Then you lay out the problem in the most descriptive way possible. Of course that isn't always possible. But you try to be as descriptive as possible.

Now here is my problem

a user installs 5.1-release, then downgrades to 4.9, then wants to go back to 5.1? or even stays at 4.9

Okay, there is a serious problem with this because as we all know library's changed drastically both in the extension and purpose from 4.x to 5.x

So to downgrade, can be extremely painful and you can't expect much to work right. I think we all can agree on this.

But in this situation it should come under CYA, (Cover your ass). You shoud at this point, backup, reformat and get it over with.

Because at that point you've just spent more time then it's worth.

Takes 30mins to reinstall, maybe 30more mins to get the basic packages installed and setup?

Well here we just waisted a few hours of time on the mailing list, atleast .5seconds cpu time, and roughly 8k-10k bandwidth that could have been used otherwise.

So when I see a message like that I get offended, because I always tell people NEVER to downgrade from 5.x to 4.x, nor to upgrade from 4.x to 5.x

But I guess he's not a client, so it does not matter.

The point is, use your brain, and you'll find yourself asking less questions and getting more done.



The word bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being
carried out. - George Carlin

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