On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 10:10:40 +0100, Dag-Erling Smørgrav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been having a variety of problems burning CDs with atang:

 - burncd consistently failing in exactly the same spot in the ISO,
   and reporting "only wrote 0 of 32768 bytes: Unknown error: 0"

 - burncd failing right at the start with "only wrote -1 of 32768
   bytes: Input/output error" (this generally happens after a couple
   of the previous, and once it starts happening I have to reboot)

Whew, glad that I am not only one.. I *just* have wasted two of my blank CD in like fifteen minutes ago, I keep wondering if I created the ISO files in the wrong way or was it burncd's fault.. Until now here..

I get like this:
# burncd -f /dev/acd0 -e -s 6 data NT2004.iso fixate
next writeable LBA 0
writing from file NT2004.iso size 662576 KB
written this track 410656 KB (61%) total 410656 KB
only wrote 4096 of 32768 bytes: Unknown error: 0

fixating CD, please wait..

I tried the another ISO and I get the same thing by stopped at 32768 bytes.

I am going to use cdrecord for now, hope it will work ok.


- burncd getting stuck in acdcld for a long time while fixating

 - a *lot* of "sensekey=ILLEGAL REQUEST error=4<ABORTED>"; fixating a
   CD causes about half a dozen TEST_UNIT_READY failures, and I
   failures as well, all of them with "status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR>
   sensekey=ILLEGAL REQUEST error=4<ABORTED>"

I've discovered that reducing the buffer size in burncd fixes at least
the first problem, and possibly the second, but not the third.  I've
attached a patch that adds a command-line option for that (the default
will still be 16 blocks at a time, but you can specify anything from 1
to 64 on the command line)

The drive is an LG 8400B with which I've previously had little or no
trouble; prior to atang, it burned CDs just fine at 40x with a failure
rate of precisely 0.

# dmesg | grep acd
acd0: CDRW <HL-DT-ST GCE-8400B> at ata1-master WDMA2
# atacontrol info ata1
Master: acd0 <HL-DT-ST GCE-8400B/1.00> ATA/ATAPI rev 0
Slave:       no device present
# atacontrol cap ata1 0
ATA channel 1, Master, device acd0:

ATA/ATAPI revision    0
device model          HL-DT-ST GCE-8400B
serial number
firmware revision     1.00
cylinders             0
heads                 0
sectors/track         0
lba supported
lba48 not supported
dma supported
overlap not supported

Feature                      Support  Enable    Value   Vendor
write cache                    no       no
read ahead                     no       no
dma queued                     no       no      0/0x00
SMART                          no       no
microcode download             no       no
security                       no       no
power management               no       no
advanced power management      no       no      0/0x00
automatic acoustic management  no       no      0/0x00  0/0x00


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