Allegedly Chris Shenton said
> "masta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The easy way is to grab a recent livecd from the jp snapshot service.
>> With the jpsnap livecd I was able to boot, copy all the working
>> binaries from the cdrom over the corrupt binaries on the local HDD. I
>> suggest you try the same idea.
> [ ]
> That seems a like a nice suite, but the site says it's acts like a 4.6
> repair, so I don't think the binaries would be suitable for replacing my
> damaged 5.1 commands.  :-(

I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the jp snapshot service,
which is accessible at:

The site speaks for itself, but basicly it is a dailly snapshot service
for FreeBSD, which by now should have all the fixes you need on their
livecd version of -cuurent.

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unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep


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