On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 10:37:08PM -0800, Sean McNeil wrote:
> Hello All,
> I was having trouble with startup and kdc/kadmin5 failing.  Turns out
> that they were trying to access a shared library in /usr/local/lib
> (libldap.so.2).  Unfortunately, both were getting started before
> ldconfig.
> I added ldconfig to the REQUIRE: for kerberos and now all is well.
> What should be the correct solution?

Let's see:  What implementation of Kerberos?  (Heimdal, MIT?)
Installed as part of the base system, from the Ports Collection, or by

The correct solutions are:

  (a) Do not build Kerberos against OpenLDAP if you do not use
      LDAP functionality.

  (b) When building Kerberos, make certain that the linker flags
      include an appropriate setting for RPATH, e.g.
      `-rpath /usr/local/lib'.

Jacques Vidrine   NTT/Verio SME      FreeBSD UNIX       Heimdal
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