John Hay <> wrote
  in <>:

jh> These questions actually start more questions for me. :-) Maybe we should
jh> also think from the user perspective and list a few use cases and what a
jh> user need to put in rc.conf to make that work?
jh> Your normal desktop/notebook user on a ipv6 radv network, what does he
jh> need to do to have his machine ipv6 usable?

 Given that it is 9-CURRENT and the box has 1 NIC (fxp0), add the
 following line to rc.conf:


jh> A network server that does not accept radv, what should its ipv6 config
jh> in rc.conf look like?

 ifconfig_fxp0_ipv6="inet6 2001:db8:1::1/64"

jh> What about a server that accept radv (so that it can get router info)
jh> and have fixed addresses for it services?

 ifconfig_fxp0_ipv6="inet6 2001:db8:1::1/64 accept_rtadv"

jh> A router kind of box, what should it look like?

 Given that the box has 2 NICs (fxp0 and fxp1), add the following lines
 to rc.conf:

 ifconfig_fxp0_ipv6="inet6 2001:db8:1::1/64"
 ifconfig_fxp1_ipv6="inet6 2001:db8:2::1/64"

 And, no ifconfig_IF_ipv6 line means no IPv6 configuration for the IF.

 After my changes committed last September, the existence of
 ifconfig_IF_ipv6 is used as a flag for whether IPv6 is enable or not
 on that interface.

-- Hiroki

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