On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 02:38:01PM +0200, Alexander Best wrote:
> Eitan Adler schrieb am 2010-04-20:
> > > i was also wondering: what's the reason gcc is still being used
> > > during step
> > > "Building an up-to-date make(1)" and not clang?
> > because make segfaults when using clang ;)
> ah ok. that's quite a good reason. ;)

no, the gcc is used because you have CC=cc in your /usr/share/mk/sys.mk
you can setenv CC clang to get rid of this (and yes, it WILL work)

I have identified the problem with make (and all other statically linked
apps) and I even have a possible fix for that.

expect this to be fixed soon
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