Jaakko Heinonen schrieb am 2010-04-23:
> On 2010-04-23, Alexander Best wrote:
> > has anybody thought about adding scsi support to burncd(8)? i've
> > been using
> > ATA CAM for quite a while now and really love it. however i miss
> > burncd(8).

> I have thought about it. The mail I posted in December didn't
> generate
> any interest.

i'm sorry i didn't notice your mail back then. i'm very interested in using
burncd on a pass(4) device and would like to test any patches you may have.

another option would be to have a ata(4)->cam(4)->ata(4) emulation. layer (the
opposite of the current ATA_CAM option). that way all ata binaries would
continue to work.  what /dev/ata* would be used for is to receive ata
commands, convert them to cam commands and then send them to pass. i wrote a
mail with the idea to freebsd-questions@, but also got no response [1].

[1]: http://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-questi...@freebsd.org/msg229439.html

> http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/mid.cgi?20091214182645.GA2764

Alexander Best
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