> On 04/25/10 23:28, Daniel Braniss wrote:
> >> Hi Danny,
> >>
> >> On 04/25/10 21:39, Daniel Braniss wrote:
> >>>> Hi Danny and all,
> >>
> >> [snip]
> >>
> >>>> mount the NFS share to pull the kernel from. I've verified that the NFS
> >>>> configuration works, both using a separate physical machine and by
> >>>> firing up the VM I'm trying to PXE boot with the fixit CD and mounting
> >>>> the share from the fixit shell i.e. the problem seems to be localised to
> >>>> the boot loader.
> >>
> >> [snip]
> >>
> >>> have you tried your pxe/diskless outside vmware?
> >>
> >> Yes, see above. The NFS configuration works perfectly when used inside a
> >> vm running FreeBSD or from a physical machine. It only fails when I try
> >> to PXE boot the vm.
> >
> > i'll refrase question:
> >     can you pxe boot a diskless client via nfs?
> >
> > the 'above' just says that you can nfs access, which was not my question.
> Sorry, I didn't explain myself very well. By "using a separate physical 
> machine", I meant that I can successfully PXE boot the machine on my LAN 
> which pulls the kernel over NFS and happily mounts root over NFS i.e. 
> answer to your question is yes. The second part of my testing was using 
> the mount_nfs command manually on the command line of a vbox vm which 
> was booted into the fixit cd's fixit shell.
> Everything points to my config being good and a weird loader related 
> issue. Assuming you are able to successfully pxe boot FreeBSD could I 
> ask you to please:
> - Tell me which version of FreeBSD your pxeboot sources are built from
> - Make your FreeBSD pxeboot binary available for me to download from 
> somewhere so I can try it in case it makes any difference
> Thanks for your continued input, I'm really at a loss.
I'll try to send yu a working pxeboot, after I test it under vbox (haven't 
for some time), in the mean time make sure that your /etc/exports is realy ok
should be at least:
and does not harm:
also, check if you are nating, or bridging, can't remember what I used.

and one last thing, vbox/ethernet does not behave nicely after reboot
and also make sure you choose PCnet-FAST II, the III does not work


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