On Sun, 3 Oct 2010, Daichi GOTO wrote:

I did test to check 2D acceleration effect with this patch, and 2D benchmarks shows about the same index. No effect appears. I want to know that this 2D acceleration feature works for what and thats effect actually. Someone has any ideas?

Did you install the guest additions experimental drivers to support 3D?

Yeah. I have tried to install guest addition twice to test with 3D support and without 3D support. And both cases are the same result. No effect appears.

And FreeBSD VirtualBox looks like not to support 3D feature yet.

This is what you should see if everything is supported from VirtualBox's standpoint:
# VBoxTestOGL --test 2D --test 3D --log vboxtest.log
# grep Testing vboxtest.log
00:00:00.001 Testing 3D Support:
00:00:00.040 Testing 3D Succeeded!
00:00:00.040 Testing 2D Support:
00:00:00.065 Testing 2D Succeeded!

What graphics hardware do you use? I have an Nvidia 8800 GTS. I do not

% dmesg | grep -i nvidia
nvidia0: <GeForce 7300 GT> on vgapci0

know how well this option works for other hardware. Also, what type of acceleration are you using for your X driver (check

% cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i nvidia

Mine (http://people.freebsd.org/~scf/Xorg.0.log) is mostly the same except I
have this:
(II) Oct 06 10:21:03 NVIDIA: Reserving 768.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect 
(II) Oct 06 10:21:03 NVIDIA:     access.

Also, I edited the x11/nvidia-driver port to use v256.53 of the driver. It is the first truly supported FreeBSD amd64 driver from nvidia.

How did you setup your xorg.conf? or nvidia-settings??

My xorg.conf:  http://people.freebsd.org/~scf/xorg.conf
You can ignore the Non-HAL and mouse stuff.

I don't know how to setup to use EXA instead of XAA.
The 'Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"' are affected for intel and radeon driver, not for nvidia.

True.  Ignore my comment on that.

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