On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 04:27:47PM -0600, Mark Linimon wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 09:09:10PM +0000, Chris Rees wrote:
> > I worry about the ethics of 'stealing' Fedora's bandwidth with other
> > people's ports; we should only be using their mirrors if it's explicitly
> > developed by Fedora.
> Correct.  dougb has pointed this out before and no one has taken the
> cycles to go act on it.  Consider this a task that needs volunteers.
> (A similiar caveat applies to the Debian and NetBSD sites; I believe
> it was Debian he flagged previously.)
> mcl

I have engaged the mirror maintainers and infrastructure people at
Gentoo and Debian on this matter, and for the sake of completeness our
own FreeBSD mirror admins.

The short response is, "That is fine, just do it".

Yay, there was much rejoicing in the land, end of story :)

The longer part of this, is that we are all opensource-minded people,
publicly sharing has been a part of our genetics since inception.  It is
ok to ustilise the public facing mirrors, just please do not abuse them.

Another common thread I got from the maintainers that contacted me back
was that they mirror for multiple projects on their site anyway, and
that the additional traffic was nominal at best.

One fellow told me he was in active competition for throughput with
another mirror, and welcomed the extra hits he was getting.

Through all of this, I was asked, particularly by the Debian folks,
please ask permission of mirror maintainer before you list their mirror
in the master list.

You will see my recent commit to bsd.sites.mk, I added 4 more volunteers
to the Debian list,

I hope this helps clarify the usage of other project mirrors.


Thomas Abthorpe         | FreeBSD Committer
tabtho...@freebsd.org   | http://people.freebsd.org/~tabthorpe

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