On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 3:25 PM Yuri Pankov <ypan...@fastmail.com> wrote:

> Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> > 09.05.2020 23:41, Mario Lobo wrote:
> >
> >> Hi;
> >>
> >> I'm attempting to port VirtualBox 6.0.8 to FreeBSD. I managed do get it
> >> working perfectly up to
> >>
> >> 11.3-STABLE-amd64-r359971.
> [snip..]

>> Thanks for any advice.
> >
> > You did not mention if you rebuild VirtualBox and its kernel modules
> after update of FreeBSD to 11.4-PRERELEASE.
> > If not, such behaviour is expected and first thing you need is rebuild
> VirtualBox using sources of 11.4-PRERELEASE
> > installed in /usr/src.
> >
> > If you already did that, you need to bisect revisions. Also, you may
> find useful output of "svnlite help diff"
> > that documents a way to find differences betwheen revisions: cd
> /usr/src/sys/some-subdir && svnlite diff -r NNNNNN:MMMMMM
> And if you are looking for the specific revision that broke it, look
> into the 'git bisect' using github's git mirror; there's also
> devel/p5-App-SVN-Bisect, but I have never used it.
The command:

svn diff https://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/11@359971

yielded a 170 Mbytes file!!

It will be like looking for a needle in a haystack, in the dark, with just
a hunch of where the needle was dropped.

Well ... at least I have the haystack.

Thanks everyone for the tips!

Mario Lobo
FreeBSD since version 2.2.8 [not Pro-Audio.... YET!!]
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