On 29.12.2011 03:36, Florian Smeets wrote:

i'll try to explain our rationale one more time.

Thank you very much for your patience.

a) Sweeping commits are still not allowed as the 9.0-RELEASE process is
NOT finished yet.

I think, this is the key to our disagreement -- I do not think, updating nss from 3.12.x to 3.13.y qualifies as "sweeping". The shared library numbers do not change and the new version remains API-compatible and, apparently, even ABI-compatible.

b) We keep nss and ca_root_nss in sync
Then ca_root_nss should be updated too.
c) not only firefox depends on nss
Actually, firefox does NOT currently depend on nss (nor does thunderbird) -- an oversight, that should be rectified ASAP. And the first step towards that is bringing nss up to date.

Now, there is, apparently, a reason, firefox build insists on nss-3.13.1 -- some sort of attack is possible against the earlier version(s). Comments in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=669061 mention that.

Instead of protecting just the browser, FreeBSD ought to ship all of the nss-using software (and you included a long list in your previous e-mail) using the latest release available. If the API and ABI compatibilities remain, there is no reason against updating -- and good reasons for it.



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