Andreas Drewke <> writes:

>> Have you tried "pacmd set-default-sink 9" ? Alternatively, remove
>> ~/.config/pulse and let PA pick up default from hw.snd.default_unit.
> Yes. Both. Also be aware that
>> about:support Shows 9 as default device. This is strange. Indeed 
> setting >media.cubeb.output_device does not work too. I have now no
> idea how to fix this. However if FBSD 13 comes out I do a fresh
> install. But maybe you still have an idea. Many thanx and Best regards

Does paplay(1) use the correct sink? Maybe default sink doesn't persist
after pulseaudio daemon exits.

$ fetch
$ pkill pulseaudio
$ ffmpeg -i ChID-BLITS-EBU-Narration.mp4 -f wav - | paplay
$ firefox ChID-BLITS-EBU-Narration.mp4
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