Spun off from <https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2019-November/074873.html>

On 27/11/2019 04:17, Jan Beich wrote:

> Graham Perrin writes:
>> For a few months I got recommendations from Pocket.
>> No longer.
> Check browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.topstories …

I received the same hint, privately, from Pocket Support in response to <https://twitter.com/pocketsupport/status/1199323725465837570> – "… a way to manually force them to show on locales that are not supported by default. …".

>> Is the code removed? Or has Mozilla become stricter about enforcing
>> regional restrictions?
> No clue. Wrong list. gecko@ doesn't touch Pocket code/prefs.

Cool. Good to know that there's no interference.

(Removal of functionality, such as Pocket, is my only complaint about development of Waterfox Current.)

>> (I'm in the UK.)
> VPN or did you define the following?
>   pref("browser.search.region", "US");
>   pref("browser.search.countryCode", "US");


browser.search.region was the magic ingredient. Thanks!

Previously set to GB. Changing to US then quitting Firefox was enough to enable recommendations – including sponsored content – for the next run of Firefox.

browser.search.countryCode did not exist, I can get recommendations without it.

I'll make Pocket Support aware of the gap in their advice.

With the appearance of sponsored content: I can add a closing note under <https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/pocket-forcing-appearance-of-sponsored-content/28324/11?u=grahamperrin>

The more interesting private part(s) of the response from Pocket, I'll keep private …
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