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On Friday, 25 June 1999 at 18:22:19 -0700, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
>>     to do actually it.  Personally, I think it would be a doable
>>     project if someone wanted to have a go at it - to allow a filesystem
>>     to be grown or shrunk on a cylinder-by-cylinder basis.  The only real
>>     complexity occurs when you are shrinking a filesystem - you have to locate
>>     the inodes & indirect blocks associated with allocated data blocks
>>     in the cylinder you are trying to remove in order to move the blocks.
> To add to this, I'd also be inclined to see this done in the larger
> context of writing at least a simplistic volume manager to contain
> arbitrary filesystems, then extending UFS to support the concept of
> dynamic resizing. 

I agree with the approach.  But why write a simplistic volume manager
when we already have vinum?

> That way you could extend (the most common request) a ufs partition
> much more flexibly across multiple partitions or disks, that being
> what people are *really* asking for when they cry for a resizable
> UFS. :-)

Correct.  That's why, as Julian observes, I'm collecting code.  If
somebody else wants to work on this, feel free to contact me.  I don't
see myself doing it in the very near future.

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