On Mon, 05 Jul 1999 21:14:36 -0400, Jamie Howard wrote:

> It would be really swank if someone were to go over what I have and make
> sure it is correct.  I know I was blowing $ before, and I think that is
> correct now.

Hi Jamie,

One way to make it easier for people to test drive your software under
FreeBSD is to create a port for the software (FreeBSD-style port, not
NetBSD-style port).

I'm home with flu right now, but if nobody else has done a port for your
grep(1) by Thursday morning, I'll do it for you then. Would you be happy
being listed as the maintainer of such a port?

The reason I'm suggesting using a port rather than having the code
imported into the base system is that it allows people to "opt in" to
testing it, rather than forcing it down people's throats. The idea is
that, when it's proved itself as a port, enough people will clamor for
its inclusion in the base system for that to become a reality.

Trying to get software imported directly into the base system without a
trial run as a port is almost always a painful exercise (and I'm not
talking about technical issues here).


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