this message may have been posted to hacks but I didnt see it come through.
I greatly apreciate any help.

I have a WaveLAN ISA adaptor.

I am trying to run it in a machine equiped with an AMD K6-2 350
processor running at 66mhz bus speed.
I am getting the following error while ifconfiging the card.

ifconfig wl0
wl0: diag() failed; status = 0, inw = 0, outw = e0a0
wl0: diag() failed; status = 0, inw = 0, outw = e0a0
scb_status a000
scb_status a000
scb_command 0
scb_command 0
scb_cbl ffc0
scb_cbl ffc0
cu_cmd 8007
cu_cmd 8007
wl0 init(): trouble resetting board.
wl0 init(): trouble resetting board.

I belive the issure is some kind of timeing problem because the dos
drivers and ptpdiag work and the card works with freebsd in other

I have tried about everything I can think of I have set
machdep.wl_xmit_delay:   up and down
as well as played with clock speeds of the CPU and motherboard as well
as bios wait states, pnp settings ect. and differant wavelan cards.

I even reset the factory setting off 0x300 irq 10 to other ones just  to

be sure.. I have tried the
drivers in 3.0 3.1 and 4.0 current they all do the same thing..

thease are the current dmesg settings

wl0 at 0x390-0x39f irq 5 on isa
wl0: address 08:00:6a:2b:e3:30, NWID 0x5262, Freq 2422 MHz

and the wlconfig info...
cray100 /root 6% wlconfig wl0
Board type            : ISA
Base address options  : 0x300, 0x390, 0x3c0, 0x3e0
Waitstates            : 0
Bus mode              : ISA
IRQ                   : 5
Default MAC address   : 08:00:6a:2b:e3:30
Soft MAC address      : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Current MAC address   : Default
Adapter compatability : PCCARD or 1/2 size AT, 915MHz or 2.4GHz
Threshold preset      : 1
Call code required    : NO
Subband               : 915MHz/see WaveModem
Quality threshold     : 3
Hardware version      : 1 (Rel3)
Network ID enable     : YES
NWID                  : 0x5262
Datalink security     : NO
Databus width         : 16 (variable)
Configuration state   : unconfigured
CRC-16                : 0xaba1
CRC status            : OK

If anyone can help in any way or point me to someone who might
I would greatly apreciate it.

Thanks in advance

Richard Puga

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