hi, there!

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Oscar Bonilla wrote:

> Following up on my own post:
> For LDAP to be seamlessly integrated into the system some of the libraries
> have to be changed. Specifically the ones dealing with /etc/passwd and
> user information. 
> I've decided the best way to do this is to do what's done with NIS.
> Basically handle the case where the user is not available in the local
> databases. 
> the idea is to have an entry in the /etc/passwd enabling LDAP lookups.
> the Entry would be of the form
> ldap:*:389:389:o=My Organization, c=BR:uid:ldap.myorg.com
>        ^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>         |                  |            |        |       
>        port            base dn        attr     LDAP Server
> This comes ftom a pam_ldap module I got from Pedro A M Vazquez 
> I'll change all of the function in lib/libc/gen/getpwent.c to handle this
> special case.
> The only problem is that openldap has to be integrated on the base system
> for this to compile... can I safely copy it to /usr/src/contrib?
> How do I submit this after it's done? anyone cares about ldap :)?

aargh. looks horrible to me. better try to implement NSS


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