[Cross-posted: replying to -hackers]

> I'm looking at booting(embedded devices) and I've been looking at lilo boot
> loader code and booteasy bootloader code...
> does anyone know of any documentation that anyone out there has done on this
> topic? -- more specifically without
> bios calls/support?

There is some information in the FreeBSD handbook


for example, "PC Memory Utilization" and "The FreeBSD Booting Process",
though much of this is currently out-of-date.  Otherwise, as maintainer
of the low-level i386 boot code, I can probably help with specific

I'm not aware off-hand of any code anywhere that doesn't rely on the
BIOS at all, though in some cases (eg. src/sys/i386/boot/netboot) BIOS
support could fairly easily be dispensed with, by writing a bit of
extra code.

> I've seen the booteasy code at:
> ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/tools/srcs/bteasy/
> is there a newer version? this code is supposed to be compiled with
> TASM/Borland C right? is there source that
> can be compiled with gnu tools?

See src/sys/boot/i386/boot0 in the FreeBSD source tree.

Robert Nordier

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