Warner Losh wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Daniel C. Sobral" writes:
> : Modules are not just drivers. Forget about drivers, and try again.
> : :-)
> But the generic mechanism extends beyond just drivers :-)

Ah, I recall now. Something similar to the way X works, with all the
information stored in a file instead of passed on the command line.

If things are passed on the command line, we put a getopt() in the
kernel and that's that. Get the _string_ to the application, and let
it do it's job. We'll seriously regret anything else.

For that matter, when I was working on loader's commands, I want to
pre-process their arguments. That idea was shot down on the grounds
that we can't foresee what the applications will need as parameters.
The same applies here, right?

So, here is my take. On one hand, we have Juha's code. The change
proposed needs a new syscall. The sooner we make the change,
assuming we are making it at all, the less pain. It provides a way
of getting parameters that is compatible with what is already
possible with loader (ie, the module need not differentiate between
it's method of loading). The code is working and ready.

On the other hand, we have a vaguely defined vapourware that looks
real cool, and will be done some day after other outstanding
priorities are dealt with.

I'm not a fan of adding code to FreeBSD just because it exists. That
_is_ one thing we do different from another popular open source OS,
and which serves us well. If the code is crass, does not serve us
well, is kitchen-sink bloating, or goes in a direction we see as a
dead-end, it should not be imported.

Alas, it seems none of the above applies. Even if we *do* come up
with something better later, this code won't get in the way any more
than what's in loader(8) already does. In that light, I think we
ought to import it into our tree.

BTW, won't any of the kld gods speak up?

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        - Jordan, God, what's the difference?
        - God doesn't belong to the -core.

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