On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 10:24:53AM -0700, Parag Patel wrote:

> So I think my patch for simply wrapping the "Probing PCI bus" message
> with an "if (bootverbose)" is the right solution/workaround for systems
> like mine running STABLE.  Not that it's a big deal - it's easy enough
> for me to patch by hand - but I thought that others may be similarly
> afflicted.

We had a similar problem with our 4 processor machine, and Kevin
Van Maren who was working on the support for the NX chipset suggested
that this could be harmful in the SMP case, so it includes some
code which reduces the number of PCI busses to be somtheing reasonable
- see fixbushigh_450nx in sys/pci/pcisupport.c.

The Dell BIOS guy who I eventually got in contact with said he had
spoken to Kevin about it, and that the 255 value was "correct",
but he couldn't say why because of an Intel NDA.

The code which figures out the bushigh stuff for your machine
probably needs a similar kludge, unless someone can say for certain
that it isn't harful for the SMP case.


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