On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Wilko Bulte wrote:

> Wilko (confused...)

No, I already committed the change to comment it out in -STABLE. I will
investigate further, but I will definitely not have it in by -RELEASE time.
No problem has been noticed before because XFree86 has not supported MTRRs
until recently (snapshots of pre-4.0.) I am going to see what could be
wrong, and possibly reenable the code at a later date. For now, it's
considered "dangerous" and you shouldn't mess with it unless you are willing
to accept the risks that entails.

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman           /  "Any sufficiently advanced bug is    \
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |   indistinguishable from a feature."  |
     FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!    \        -- Rich Kulawiec               /

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