On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 05:43:17PM -0700, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > 3. Needlessly cross-posted (watch your cc lines, loser! :).
> On a different topic, does anyone know of a good  X mailer
> (currently I am using exmh) :

There aren't any.  :-)  (depends on your value of "good")

> 1. user friendly
> 2. filtering capability

I've decided that threading isn't the mailer's job.  I don't want
to have to wade through a mailbox full of lists when I'm connecting
from off site, and have shut down my on-site mailer.

Lots of folk use procmail, but since I'm using qmail as an MTA,
I thought I'd see if I could use it's native methods, and it's
really easy, with a shell script that's just a case $SENDER

> 3. thread topic support

The best threading mail reader that I've come across is mutt,
but that might be too traditional for your option 1.

If you find a pretty, lightweight X-based MUA that does a good job
with threads (and MIME, and PGP), I'd like to know about it too.

XFMail isn't acceptable, because I've got 130M of mbox mail
boxes in a deep directory hierarchy, and I'd like to keep them
that way.  The last time I looked at XFMail it insisted on an
un-nested mh-directory style of mailbox.  Is it still the case?

Nate: it's a while since I looked at VM on XEmacs.  I found its
layout cluttered and it's key sequences awkward.  How configurable
is it, really?  Do you use it as it comes out of the box?


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