* From: Jaakko Salomaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 * poor in my opinion. I think we need something like this. I'll make a port
 * out of this if you want, or if it's my lucky day, perhaps it should even
 * be added to the base distribution (damn, I'm ambitious :-]).

 * % ** ./pkg_get -i gtk **
 * Current server is the main distribution site, ftp.freebsd.org.
 * Do you want to use it? (Y/N) ** n **
 * Receiving glib-1.2.3.tgz (166214 bytes): 100%
 * 166214 bytes transferred in 21.9 seconds  (7.40 Kbytes/s)
 * /usr/sbin/pkg_add gtk-1.2.3.tgz

This looks great!  Make it a port please! :)


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